回复:回复:回复:求助:关于H1B转B2,再转回 H1B的问题。

如果我不递交转B2申请的话,我的H1 也是从我失去工作的那天算作失效,对吧。那么如果我找到新工作 transfer H1B,移民局也会认为我是“out of status from the time you lost job to filing the new H1 application”。
在这点上,好像和我递交转B2申请再转回H1 是一样的吧。
-not the same. If you file B2 you are legal present and if the B2 is approved, you have a new status (B2). And then, you change it to H1 if you find a job (you have no problem to get H1 approved with I-94).

But if you can find a job in a short period of time (e.g. 2 to 3 months), you may not need to change your status to B2. In this case, your new h1 may stiil be approved, but most likely has no I-94 with it.So, you just go out of US to get an H1 visa.

像这样离境签证H1B好签吗? 会被拒吗?
-Yes. It should not be difficult to get the visa.
-Yes, of course.
