7/30/2007递交的申请,申请材料是自己整理,没有请律师. 07/16/2008收到要求补件的通知.基本我们所陈述的每一条他都要求进一步证明.其中有一条我实在不知道该怎么补,请大家指教.
Evidence of the alien's original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field;
The service notes the letters of support and recommendation submitted in the filings. However, a successful petition is not solely depenndent on support letters, so further evidence showing that the petitioner's original contributions are of major significance is needed.
这意思是我们不用补推荐信了?那还有什么渠道可以证明啊?关于文章和引用, 媒体采访,获奖情况,membership等都另有陈述,不包括在这个里面.我除了推荐信实在想不到还有什么可以证明这一项了.请大家给些意见,谢谢!
EB1a 140要求补件, 请各位老师指点
• 回复:EB1a 140要求补件, 请各位老师指点 -fsa2000- ♀ (149 bytes) () 07/20/2008 postreply 16:03:28
• 回复:EB1a 140要求补件 -Baoz- ♂ (213 bytes) () 07/21/2008 postreply 08:07:25
• 回复:回复:EB1a 140要求补件 -斓梦黎影- ♀ (15 bytes) () 07/21/2008 postreply 17:34:30