冗长 - EB1B历时4年半
无聊兼乏味 -
无聊1: LG和我每人做了4次fingerprint.(我的第四次不知怎么被自动mark上了。我并没有收到过notice。星期一还在这儿问来着。)
无聊2: 140 补充材料:employment letter. 485补充材料: birth certificate and ID card (这些早就附在早先申请材料里的。)
Timeline -
March 2003 - LG applied I140, EB1-B, and EB2 NIW
May 2004 - I-140 (EB1-B) approved
August 2004 - Both LG and me filed I-485
July 2005 - I-140 of NIW approved. No action taken from us。
Second half of 2006, we started to contact congressman and senator to help check our case. We were told that the FBI no longer took their request, nor they could push CIS. They did find out though that our case was stuck by LG's name check. My name check was cleared immediately.
Thanks to this forum, I got the information that we could try to write to the First Lady. So we did that in February of 2007.
End of April of 2007 - received the letter from FBI, stating LG's NC completed on 04/05/07. However, this was not updated in CIS system until the end of June.
July of 2007 - asked congressman's office to push CIS.
August of 2007 - CIS finally resumed our I-485 and requested additional info from LG (birth certificate and ID card)
10/1/07 - I called local InfoPass asking about my expecting 4th fingerprint, and was told somehow that was "done" in September (without me going there.)
Later LG called InfoPass and requested to check our case again. THANKS to that local InfoPass officer, she agreed to submit a request email to Nebraska Center.
10/3/07 - received CIS email saying production of card was ordered. Experts here confirmed that's the green card approval notice.
教训 -
3)没有file 140 & 485 concurrently
4) 没有早点上此坛收集信息。我们一开始心态挺好,不就等时间吗?至少有两年半没有采取任何行动。一直到同时file的朋友去年拿到绿卡,甚至发现很多人比我们晚申请都拿到绿卡时才开始急。到此坛来一看,原来我们早属于可以去WOM了。但看了大家讨论WOM不怎么有用了,决定试试写信给第一夫人。庆幸这封信起作用了!
5)太相信CIS。我们每次的new request, 都老老实实地等到CIS规定时间pass. 本来这次也要等到10月底再去询问。好在星期一问了,没想到星期三就批了。
Congratulations and thanks for sharing. one question
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10/04/2007 postreply
We did go there once.
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10/04/2007 postreply
回复:GXGX, thanks for sharing!
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10/04/2007 postreply
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing! 回复:我们冗长而乏味的绿卡申请过程。
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10/04/2007 postreply
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10/04/2007 postreply
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10/04/2007 postreply