回复: 有感于”有感于7月14日游行的相关贴子及回复”

I understand your frustration. After reading your article, I have several concerns.

Let’s read this again “举个牌子说出自己的意愿. 我们是美国所需要的技术人才理当尽快得到绿卡从而在这里更好的工作和生活. 我们是合法纳税人理当受到公平对待. 我们依靠自己的双手和头脑为自己和社会创造财富理当得到与别人相同的回报. 我会告诉街上遇到的行人, 我们所受到的待遇是不对的.”

If every 所需要的技术人才理当尽快得到绿卡, then there will no need for visa number, because not just you are 所需要的技术人才, but also thousands others. But the root problem is visa number. I guess that is what you need protest.

Your assumption sounds like because you cannot file I-485 this time, than you can no longer get Green Card, which is not true. Much more people waited longer than you do. They got it. I believe this is not the your last chance too, and hope the chance coming back soon.I do not have any assumption like youn said, I just want to tell people that this is not right. I am hoping me and others have the same situation like me do not have to wait too long to get green card.

You confused 纳税 and 绿卡. According to what you said, because you纳税, you 理当尽快得到绿卡. That is your assumption. I was saying because of me and others like me working hard and paying tax, we did the same as other citizens, we should have the same paybacks. Any logical problem? You said your friends 经常加班, That is me and my friends and others like me. that does not make them legible to get 绿卡 faster. They get extra pay, The reallity is they get normal pay and their lifes have been limited. they need to pay tax. Even those who are not 加班, they should have their turn.

The reason someone 针锋相对地反驳了发贴人发动游行的观点 is because your motivation cannot reflect the Chinese as a whole. The motivation is not targeting all Chinese people, but reflects unfair in the US. The motivation does not touch the root cause, but like “get my money back”, “let me file no matter what consequence will be”, narrow and personal. I am not hoping get any money back, the employer will pay our application expenses. Actually my case has been hold because there is no visa number avaiable. If no one speak out, this siuation will not change, the same situation for others.

I also follow Immigration Voice movement which also promotes the protest. I appreciate that the organizers who specifically state out to protest the root cause, unlike the most promoters in this forum, just personal. I did not see you agree with the protest.

One other thing I am aware is that it seems these July filers are only interested in “Good News” or the rumor they like to listen, or they wish to happen, but ignore the truth and reality. I am protesting for the reality not just the current unavaiable situation. To these reality, they use any dirty words they can to attack person not to thing, while don’t give any point. Therefore, they lose ground.Just sad about that. You should know why poster did that and your feedback make people think we protest because of money or similar personal reasons. That is you think. The reality is we are living well except we can not settle down because we do not have green card. We want to stand up for ourselves and others like us or will like us.

When you blame 坛子中大多数人对发生在别人甚至自己身上不公平对待的冷漠, I don’t see this way. Most people concern. They want change. They want to have a root change, not just touch the surface. Not supporting your way does not mean 冷漠. That is why they participate. We have the same manner in this, I want change too. You agree that it should change? Then tell people that, we have the same target as well.

I hope you will have right target and right motivation, jump out from “理当尽快得到绿卡” “理当在这里更好的工作和生活”, and “理当得到与别人相同的回报” such personal and narrow motivation only, even sounds like begging. I am not begging any thing. Many American people do not know this is not right. Specialties are leaving the country, this is not good for people like you. Think about several years ago students can not get the US visas so they changed to other countries. Americans lost lots of tuition revenues in those years. The talents are not interesing in the US, this is not good for your people and my kids.

I wish you all the best this weekend. I, as well as most people in this forum, will be on your side when you have right motivation. You always assume something. Go through my post again, did I mentioned any thing for myself? I have been back to China and working there last year. China is truly a hot spot for the world. This is not a good sign for people like you and my kids. Business are shifting outsidse of the US. I do not want my kids and yours begging Chinese visas in near future.
