请好心人给快速扫扫盲。NIW is EB2?

and it does not have a permanent job requirement? If it is EB2, then at this time being, I have to wait for PD to be current. Right..Thank you very much!!!!


回复:请好心人给快速扫扫盲。NIW is EB2? -MartinLu2003315- 给 MartinLu2003315 发送悄悄话 (124 bytes) () 05/06/2007 postreply 17:02:57

Thank you very much! MartinLu2003315 -tulipw- 给 tulipw 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2007 postreply 20:14:58
