It's Time, We must do ....

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In most recent, a quite of few applicants for Canadina immigration complain that the processing time in Buffalo center is over long. Based on their policy, if the case takes over one year, the applicant can write or fax to the center for inquiring the processing status. However, they just simply ignore those inquire letters.

I think it is the time we must action. I am preparing a letter to the Minister of Immigration to complain such situation occuring in Buffalo center. If any one whose case takes more than one year after medical examination, please we join togather and write a letter to the Minister of CA Immigration.

If you are interesting, please send an email including your application time line to When I collect enough cases, I will send them to each of you, and I will propose a letter to the Minister of Immigration. If possible, we can also create a network group to discuss this specific problem.


Goodman Shao


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