My H1B Concern

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Dear Friends,

Please help!! My employer agreed to sponsor my H1B application. But they are using their own lawyer. My company is not a large company. I figure out that the lawyer is not that good at immigration case. If I were a research person, or some analyst, I wont worry about that. My title is Purchasing Assistant. So, I have to educate them how weak the possibility is to get approved with such a title. Now they seem to agree to change my title. But I dont know what they are going to change to. And I dont think the lawyer can figure out what good things to put on the paper, what are not.

So My question is. If, I get rejected in this time, will it affect my next application with a different job in a different company?

And, what title is a good one to change. It was a mistake for me to agree using their lawyer. I should have used a Chinese Lawyer.

Please help me with more information!!

Thank you!!

