
I hired some employees in my LLC company, a small company. now the employees asked for paystub(出粮单). How should I make the pay stub for employee? do I need to hire accountant do the pay stub? or I could use template to make a paystub for the employee and just put the company stamp on it? Thanks.


各家银行都有出粮系统 -蹩扭- 给 蹩扭 发送悄悄话 (237 bytes) () 08/31/2010 postreply 17:20:53

公司自己出一个清单就可以了 -快雪时晴- 给 快雪时晴 发送悄悄话 快雪时晴 的博客首页 (8 bytes) () 08/31/2010 postreply 18:38:10
