
来源: 2009-11-24 09:36:44 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Arthur Agatston 是美国著名的心脏病专家。这位大夫不务正业,整出了几本减肥的书,就成了“南海滩减肥法”(South Beach Diet)的开山鼻祖了。南海滩减肥法说的简单些就是低升糖指数饮食加上间歇运动。这位仁兄的一本书可以算作这么多年来减肥书中的经典之一了,书名叫《南海滩超级充电减肥法:快速瘦身和健康生活》(The South Beach Diet Supercharged: Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life)。这本书的方法很科学,只可惜结构和文笔太差,倒是可以理解,美国的大夫毕竟不是中国古代的士大夫,个个精于八股文。以下这一段关于全麦的讨论就译自这本纽约时代杂志(New York Times)评出的超火爆畅销书(mega-bestseller)。





最新的研究表明吃全麦面食可以降低糖尿病和心脏病的发病率。2007年,发表在内科药物档案杂志(Archives of Internal Medicine)的一篇文章表明,每天吃含有29克纤维素的全麦面食人的糖尿病发病率比每天只摄入一半儿全麦量的人要低27%。 研究人员注意到,这不仅是纤维素的作用,镁也有相当的功效。

同年六月,发表在美国临床营养杂志上( American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)的一篇文章表明,吃全麦面食可以防止动脉硬化和冠心病。研究人员测量了1千1百78个人的颈动脉厚度。颈动脉厚度是反映心脏病发作和中风重要参数。参加测试的人中,吃全麦面食量多的人(相对精制面食来讲,饭桌子注)在这项测试中的结果最好。



有很多所谓全麦产品,标有“含全麦”(Contains Whole Grain,7g-Whole Grain)或者“多麦”(Multi-Grains),这些都不是全麦产品。(饭桌子注)。


“I can’t say it often enough: All carbohydrates are not the same. The overly processed refined starches and sugary processed foods that have been stripped of their fiber content are guilty as charged. These true culprits in the promotion of prediabetes, diabetes, and obesity. But whole grains are an entirely different story. There’s a world of difference between whole and refined grains. Whole grains are composed of the entire seed of the plant—the bran, germ, and endosperm. Reining typically removes the bran and germ, which contain B vitamins and other nutrients as well as fiber. It leaves the endosperm, which is mostly starch, and it’s the starch that converts rapidly into sugar during digestion.

When most people think of grains, they think of wheat, but whole grains include oats, barley, rice, quinoa, spelt, and rye. If you’ve been denying yourself a slice of bread or a serving of rice or cereal, you can stop doing so if you choose the whole-grain versions, which are actually very good for you. In fact, when it comes to your health, whole grains can:

Fight diabetes and heart disease. Recent studies show that eating whole grains can actually lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In May 2007, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that eating 29 grams of fiber daily in the form of grain products resulted in a 27 percent lower risk of developing diabetes than did eating roughly half that amount. Researchers noted that it wasn’t only the fiber that appeared to be protective but also magnesium, a mineral found in whole grains.

In June 2007, another study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that eating whole grains can help prevent arteryclogging atherosclerosis. In the study, researchers measured the thickness of the carotid arteries of 1,178 men and women. This measurement is called intimal medial thickness and is a good predictor of heart attack and stroke. The people who ate the most whole grains had the best results on this test.

In the period since the USDA updated its Food Pyramid to emphasize whole grains, many new whole-grain products have appeared on supermarket shelves. There are now some wonderful whole-wheat pastas, whole-grain cereals, and breads that really taste great and are loaded with nutrients, including plenty of fiber. But if consumers don’t buy them, you can’t blame food manufacturers for not continuing to offer them. In fact, food manufacturers prefer to refine grains for two reasons: First, refining grains extends their shelf life; second, according to the producers, consumers are thought to prefer the smooth texture of refined flours over the textures of whole grains. I urge you to prove them wrong.

Remember, when you buy whole-grain pastas, breads, and other products, be sure the label says “100% whole wheat” or “whole grain,” and look for breads that contain 3 grams or more of fiber per slice.”