You have an objective-self, and

来源: 2021-04-18 19:47:51 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


a subjective-self. Ideally the subjective-self should cover the objective-self.  Your objective-self is exposed (most people's are.)  The exposed part is vulnerable to be encroached upon by an external force, be it a manipulative person (whose subjective-self is much larger) or some type of media.

By becoming more self-aware, you enlarge your subjective-self to cover more of your objective-self, to lessen the effect of that external force.

In your case, there're might be some emptiness in your psyche that you try to fill every chance you get by placing yourself into the situation on the screen in front of you so that you can (re-)experience that feel you (or your objective-self) wish you had experienced (as a child?)

By knowing the reason for your feeling, you become more self-aware, a sign of maturity.  (You can still feel what you want to feel, but now you are in control, not that external force.)


Disclaimer: not a professional analysis.