Adrenal insufficiency 跟中医说的肾虚, 在症状上有重叠,但不是一回事。

来源: 2020-10-22 07:11:07 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Adrenal fatigue isn't an accepted medical diagnosis. It is a lay term applied to a collection of nonspecific symptoms, such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive problems.

Your adrenal glands produce a variety of hormones that are essential to life. The medical term "adrenal insufficiency" refers to inadequate production of one or more of these hormones as a result of an underlying disease or surgery.

显然:Adrenal fatigue ~Adrenal insufficiency~inadequate production of one or more of these hormones ~variety of symptoms (疲劳, 身体酸痛, 体重减轻, 低血压, 头昏眼花, 脱发, 皮肤变色(色素沉着), …… ).

人家说的很清楚,Adrenal fatigue 是肾上腺激素(一种或多种)分泌不足引发的一系列症状。

可以对比一下,虽然都有一个“肾”字,症状有部分重叠,但 Adrenal Insufficiency 与中医的肾虚不是一个概念。除此之外,请注意概念定义的清晰程度。

Kai2002:  中医的肾包括生殖系统,骨骼骨髓关节脊髓大脑耳朵,虚就是这些地方能量消耗过多,功能受影响。人的肾都是最先衰的,然后人就老了。