I have witnessed that 4th stage lund cancer could be cured with

来源: 2016-03-30 18:20:39 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

I have witnessed that 4th stage lund cancer could be cured with zhongyi.

Several months ago, I had my friend get involved to save a 4th stage lung cancer wang2you2. Within two months, the wangyou's situation was dramaticly improved from near death. There were three and half "wei1xin4" winesses beside the patient and my friend. We expected the patient could go out to walk soon... We all shocked. The following is weixin from my friend recently:

"XX选择结束生命,同时白白捲走了我在他身上付出的全部心血。明明是病情正在反复好转中,为何他及他的家人却突然作出了断XX生命的决定?若因大痛,既然到医院后已止住了痛,有什么理由不出院继续治疗?... 给我一个说法,可至今没有。我还没从这事中回过神来,我仍在思考,...,全然无须顾及他人感受的呢?

This friend of mine self-learned Hua3di4nei4jing1 and zhongyi, cured his own lung cancer which had spreaded into his head already many years ago.  He was completely recovered and enjoy great hearlth.