海豹油和针灸降血脂作用的通报-by Dr. Yan Jun Xu (徐彦军博士)

来源: 2014-03-07 09:44:24 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Seal Oil Can Reduce Cholesterol
---by Yan Jun Xu, Winnipeg, Canada. from CV Network. No. 4
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer in the modern world . An Increase in the blood level of the bad cholesterol (LDL) is considered to be a major cause of CVD as it contributes to atherosclerosis and hardness of blood vessels . It has been estimated that lowering blood LDL to a normal range would reduce CAD by one third .

Early observations by a group of Danish doctors reported that the low incidence of CVD in Inuit people living in Greenland was related to seal meat in their diet . Experimental and clinical research has demonstrated that seal oil can reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, increase good cholesterol (HDL), prevent platelet activation, a major cause of thrombosis, as well as reduce blood viscosity and inflammation . Recent studies have found that seal oil contains high amount of Omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) . Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) is often overlooked as a component of long-chain Omega-3 PUFAs .This is primarily because most Omega-3 studies have been conducted with fish or fish oil that contain only small amounts of DPA . Fewer studies have been done using seal oil with its much higher content of DPA . DPA works with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid to provide benefits . DPA is said to be ten times more effective than EPA in healing damaged blood vessels .

A recent review article (1) suggests that oxidative stress and inflammatory processes play important roles in the development of atherosclerosis . Oxidized LDL can easily penetrate the wall of blood vessels, attract macrophages and platelets and evoke an inflammatory response . Oxidized LDL is formed by the reaction of free radicals and LDL . Seal oil has also been shown to be an effective anti-oxidant .

Taking 5 seal oil capsules or 15 ml/day may be recommended for individuals needing to lower their blood LDL . However, it is advised to consult a physician before taking any supplement .

1 . Adameova A, Xu Y-J, Duhamel TA, Tappia PS, Shan L, Dhalla NS . (2009) Anti-atherosclerotic molecules targeting oxidative stress and inflammation . Curr Pharm Des . 15:3094-107

Lowering cholesterol, sugar and stress by Yoga and Acupuncture
---by Paramjit S Tappia and Yan Jun Xu, Winnipeg, Canada, CV Network 2913

Elevations in LDL-cholesterol, obesity and stress are major cardiovascular disease risk factors (1). Due to the side effects of a number of pharmacological agents, the potential of Yoga and acupuncture on cholesterol levels as alternative therapies has been explored, particularly in the Western world. Yoga is an ancient type of mental and physical exercise originating in India, and has been reported to reduce oxidative stress, body weight and blood cholesterol. Acupuncture has been used in China to treat a variety of diseases since about two thousands years ago. In ancient times, people used a sharp stone to pressure some points for pain relief. Subsequently, acupuncture has been found to be effective in the reversal of coma and stroke as well as for the treatment of chest pain, irregular heart beat, hypertension and other conditions including asthma and insomnia.

Recently it has been found that acupuncture is also effective for the control of blood lipids, glucose and oxidative stress. A literature review of 220 publications conducted by Peplow and Bater (2) has revealed that acupuncture with electrical stimulation (electro-acupuncture) can control elevations in blood sugar in obese women. In animal studies, electrical stimulation (15Hz) for 30-60 minutes is required for positive results. From the literature available on Traditional Chinese Medicine books, Zhongwan, Zusanli, Yishu and Geshu acupuncture points appear to be most frequently used for diabetic patients. Liang and Koya (3) reviewed acupuncture literature between 1979 and 2009; it was evidenced that acupuncture can reduce insulin resistance, hypertension, metabolic disorder, obesity and improve blood lipid profile. Furthermore, frequently used acupuncture points were Zusanli, Fenglong, Tianshu, Neiting, Sanyinjiao, Quchi, Qihai, Zhongwan, Guanyuan, Yinlingquan and Pishu.

Siu et al (4) have reported that electro-acupuncture is able to lower oxidative stress by stimulation of the Zusanli point. It appears that electrical stimulation at low frequency (2 Hertz), 30 min/day for 4 weeks yields beneficial effects. It is pointed out that different frequencies of stimulation can exert different effects. The underlying mechanism of acupuncture is that stimulation of different points release different neuropeptides and hormones. In addition, it has also been suggested that resistance of nerve fibres and electrical signals are altered in different disease that can be re-balanced by acupuncture. Acupuncture and yoga promote well-being and health and have the potential to be used as a complimentary therapeutic regimen to improve blood lipid and glucose profiles as well as attenuate oxidative stress.


1. Adameova A, Xu YJ, Duhamel TA, Tappia PS, Shan L and Dhalla NS. Anti-atherosclerotic molecules targeting oxidative stress and inflammation. 2009; 15: 3094-3107.

2. Peplow PV and Baxter GD. Electro-acupuncture for control of blood glucose in diabetes: Literature revies. J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2012; 5:1-10.

3. Liang F and Koya D. Acupuncture: is it effective for the treatment of insulin resistance? Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2010; 12:555-569.