
来源: 2011-11-01 19:50:07 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Abuse isn't the only problem.

My brother had a motorcycle accident several years ago. He lost a leg, destroyed his pelvis, and had to have his chest split open in order to relieve pressure. It took him 3 years to come back and get strong again.

Since my family is not rich and healthcare is a joke in the US, he was placed on homecare and my Mother administered his meds. One night, after yet another new Doctor changed his pain meds yet again, my Mother gave him the prescribed dose of the new pain killer for the first time.

He never woke up.

I think back on this all the time. He was strong when this happened. I saw him lift his entire body from his home hospital bed with one hand while my Mother helped him into a wheel chair weeks before he died. The accident was so horrible, I thought he would never recover, but he did.

And then, suddenly, he was dead, because in the US the combination of a new Doctor (most would just look at his file and refuse to treat him because of the extent of his injuries) a new medication, and not enough money to afford a real nurse.

The lack of true care in our system angers me, yet nothing changes.