
来源: 2011-02-21 21:54:55 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

    2011年2月19日,全球著名的医学期刊《Lancet》(柳叶刀)刊出丁香园纪念续广军医生的文章《Doctor stabbed to death two days after warning in The Lancet》,全文如下:

Doctor stabbed to death two days after warning in The Lancet
The Lancet, Volume 377, Issue 9766, Page 639, 19 February 2011
Danghui Yu aEmail Address, Tiantian Li b
    We are writing to inform you about the latest tragedy to befall a Chinese doctor. Xu Guangjun died 2 days after publication of the Correspondence in The Lancet entitled “Facing up to the threat in China” (Nov 20, p 1823).1

    Xu, a 28-year-old man who worked as a general practitioner in a community health-care centre in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province, was stabbed in the back twice by a patient while he was seeing another. He died after 10 days in a coma, becoming the second doctor to be killed by a patient within the year in China. According to incomplete statistics, 11 medical professionals have been killed by patients or their relatives over the past 10 years in China, and more than 5000 were wounded in 2006.2

    Xu's killer was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder in April, 2010, and had been listed as a key candidate for follow-up by Xu. On Nov 19, 2010, the patient asked Xu to inject him with intravenous medications he had purchased elsewhere. Xu explained to him that he could not do so since the infusions did not have a clear label. Later the patient returned and stabbed Xu in the back. Xu shouted to the other patient present to run, and was stabbed again.

    Xu graduated from a 3-year local medical college and became a general practitioner in the current health-care centre in 2008. Xu's 2-year service to his community had won him love and esteem from the residents; almost all the 3000 residents came and expressed their condolences on hearing of his death.

Xu Guangjun

We declare that we have no conflicts of interest.

1 Huang J, Yan L, Zeng Y. Facing up to the threat in China. Lancet 2010; 376: 1823. Full Text | PDF(70KB) | CrossRef | PubMed

2 Jiaonan C. The system construction of medical risk sharing. Chin J Current Hosp Admin 2009; 7: 1-9. PubMed








2011年2月19日,全球著名英文杂志《Lancet》(柳叶刀)刊出丁香园纪念续广军的文章《Doctor stabbed to death two days after warning in The Lancet》