Infection after breast cosmetic surgery

来源: 2010-12-11 15:00:51 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
My sister in law had breast cancer surgery and then 3 weeks ago, she had cosmetic surgery done. Her right breast started swelling a week later and she went to see a doctor two days ago, and she was admitted right after.I saw her today when she was having ultrasound. Her right breast was twice the size of left breast. they took out the insert yesterday, and drain 1000ml (!!!!) pus, there were some dead tissue under the nipple. for me, it was terrible.I never understand why people wait to the last minute to see the doctor. she could have had sepsis.But she was very optimatic, she kept saying how great the plastic surgeon was and the surgeon is going to see her on Monday, and she kept saying how unlucky she was this year (she had breast cancer surgery, sepsis (no cause) in Oct). and hope that she would have a better new year.No complaint whatsoever that the Surgeon caused the infection. Who knows what happened, maybe it was happened during the procedure, maybe it caused by poor incision care, maybe it happened because of her poor imminue function......, lots of factors. Good thing is that she is safe, bad thing is that she needs long time to clean the infection, and redo the cosmetic surgery again. at 60. to suffer so much, for what???

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