医 院 职 称 In China

来源: 2010-12-10 20:56:27 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

There are 5 ranks in each professional, 护士, 护师, 主管护师, 副主任护师,, 主任护师,

, , 主管,, 副主任师, 主任师. 医士、住院医师;主治医师;副主任医师、主任医师


the decision to promote you from the lower rank to high rank is not determined by how good you job is done or satisfaction from the patients, it is determined by how many articles you wrote and published and how many books you wrote, whether you passed you English, how much money you give to the committee members. This condition applies to every professional, including nursing.


It is very difficult to go from middle rank to 副主任, and from 副主任 to 主任 rank, you need to publish at least one article on international journals, you need to have a funding from province or Beijing, you need to have award of research from research institutes.


With the limited education on research to doctors/nurses/technician, we will know what kind of quality those researches are. Have you ever heard “天下文章一大抄”?  that happens to most of the articles. of course, there are, some good researcher too.


How to get the funding is always the biggest headache for every medical director who usually has MD/PhD students. Most of their time they spend on how to get the funding and award, building social network, who is doing research, students. Once I called one of my best friend who is a director in a big hospital, so far, he can get national funding every other year, so his PhD is very happy to have something to do. What was he doing in his office, “checking my stock”. He told me that he makes about 2 million yuan a year from stocks, much better than his career as a professor.


The assistant departments such as diagnostic imaging, may have some doctors, but they definitely do not operation on the machine, they will analyse some complicated films. most of CT, MRI, Ultrasound, ECG, holter, Echo, Endoscopy are done by technicians. And they write result too. What is the title under the report? Doctor.


There is a saying that if you call 主任 in a hospital building, 6/10 will turn their head to you, there maybe doctors, professors, researchers, technicians, nurses, engineers….. or maybe they are really 主任 of some department.


Medical university did not have 4-5 years medical graduates until 1978, most 78-82 (they graduated from 82-87) are now in the important positions in the hospitals, such as: vice presidents, unit director or vice director. In 60-70s, most doctors only had 3 years education, they were called 工农兵, some of them went back for continuing training in 1980s. in cultural revolution,  doctors were sent to the countryside to receive retraining, some nurses became doctors and they continued as doctors for quite a long time.

 老专家 are those doctors who graduated in 1950s, they received formal medical education, most of them were really good, they are at their 80s now, they are the 招牌 in many big hospitals.

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