X478op's diagnosis?

来源: 2010-12-10 10:28:38 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

I have read the author's 5 articles at the same time, Why I have the impression that the last article, that is, her child's appendicitis sounds like her own diagnosis.

Picture this: she had pain for quite a while, no appearant symptoms, she need ultrasound and lab to help diagnose, so the location was in abdomen or pelvis. she never had endoscopy, so it was not about intestine or stomach, no genitological problem because she did not memtion Geny exam, I do not think it is cancer. my first guess: Gall bladder stone/infection? the pain will be intolerable, and her first symptom could be nausea and vomiting, indigestion, jaundice and fever; kidney stone? the pain can kill her, and she should have blood in urine, she did not memtion that either. so the remaining one, appendicitis. I would say, chronic appendicitis, got worse gradually, may perforated and encaged insitu. after surgery, she had incision infection, then maybe she had abscess (she mentioned that they thought to remove several organs). that can explain why she needed PICC line, because most of the time, doctors give several antibiotics for 6 weeks treatment. such as: Tazocin, vancomycin,frigyl.

I feel so sorry for her that she had so many surgeries for the complication. her bad experience made her concentrate on every single thing every doctor/nurse/technician did. I am sure she really hates American medical system. I know it is impossible to change her mind, but she has to know that things can happen every where. Remember the medical professor who died from a small spine surgery in her own hospital in China?

what are you going to do then?