I really do not understand what you are arguing about?

来源: 2010-12-09 13:15:38 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

There are good doctors and bad doctors, good hospitals and bad hospitals and good nurses and bad nurses everywhere.

Toronto sick kids is the best hospital in North America, but every year, there are people suing them.

good and bad experience can happen to the same person too, But I really feel so sorry that every thing happened to x478op and his son. I am quite sure that some of his statements came from what he does not understand the medical system, some did come from the bad experiences that his family experienced in the states.

I am sure that he will never have a good impression to the medical system there, I support you that you should sue the doctors/nurses/hospitals in both you and your son's cases, because those professionals are so obvious under experience (because you are the one who found out the diagnosis first ). With the winning money, you can either immigrate to another country that you think you will live better and happier, or go back to China. No need to stay in the courtry that do you harm, besides, you will never be happy on a daily basis.

God knows how much it means to be happy and satisfied everyday.