
来源: 2010-12-03 19:21:48 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Myth 1 作为动物脂肪的猪油主要是饱和脂肪

FACT 猪油中的饱和脂肪占百分之四十左右,而不饱和脂肪(同时有单不饱和和多不饱和)占60%左右。


Myth 2 猪油胆固醇非常高

Fact 100克猪油只有95毫克胆固醇,比鸡蛋低得多,而且猪油中竟然有可以降低胆固醇的物质(下面是转贴):

1. Lard also contains 14%) of the 18-C saturated fat STEARIC acid, which has been shown in clinical testing to lower cholesterol.

2. Lard contains 2% MYRISTIC acid, a 14-C saturated fat that has been shown to have immune enhancing properties. Human butterfat is 8% myristic acid, cottonseed oil (1%) and the tropical vegetable oils (coconut oil and palm kernel) have zero.

3. Lard contains 26% PALMITIC acid (a 16-C saturated fatty acid) olive oil only 13%, and human butterfat contains 25%. Palmitic acid is antimicrobial.

So Lard’s basic fatty acid composition is comparable to the butterfat of human breast milk, with even less saturated and more monounsaturated fatty acids.

Breast Milk

Saturated 48%
Monounsaturated 35%
Polyunsaturated 10%


Saturated 42%
Monounsaturated 44%
Polyunsaturated 10%
