Do not take statin drugs

来源: 2010-06-01 18:56:15 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Doctors love to give you statins to control your cholestrol, lipitor, crestor, name it, it is joking that someday the pharmaceutical industry will suggest adding statin into baby powder.statin seems lowering HDL/LDL ratio, but there is no research proving that heart attack or stroke is caused by high cholestrol and HDL/LDL ratio.and most of the research done to statin clinical trials are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.there are some severe side effect related to statins, worse, if you by any chance stopping taking statin, there could be some severe side effect. so, you are hooked if you are taking it.Doctors should suggest you controlling you cholestrol by exercising and diet; a handful of nuts a day will definitely raise your HDL (good cholestrol) and lower your LDL (bad cholestrol), nuts such as cashews, almonds, pecons, bilberts are good nuts, pistachio is the best. pumpkin seeds is a good snacks too.

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