
来源: 2010-03-06 14:17:00 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
My hu*****and went for an annual physical, and the family physician ordered PSA test ( a test to check if he has risk of prostate cancer). The test result came back, his total PSA was < 2, but the doctor did free/total ratio at the same time, and the result was abnormal. so he ordered him to see an urologist. My hu*****and was unset and he said he did not want to see the urologist, because PSA < 2 is not a candidate for biopsy, and he did not want to get hurt unnecessarily, but the doctor told him that he did not want the patient or family to sue him if something went wrong.) All the information shows there is no need to do free/total PSA if the total PSA is <4, so the abnormal result has no reseach base. and if the PSA > 4, only a small group of population have prostate cancer. As prostate cancer grows very slowly, many patients died of other diseases. So the minister of health and many specialists suggest family physicians not ordering unnecessary tests. But how many family physicians update their knowledge after they got out of school, not a lot. So the chance is in our hands, as a patient, we need to know what does not sound right to ourselves? what test should we avoid, what test should be done regardless of what doctors say? for examply, if you have sudden several headache, plus dizziness or vomiting, if the symptoms do not disappear, go for a CT of head; if you have low libido, headache, low energy, go for a CT of head. if you think your family doctor does not listen to you and your instinct tells you something is really wrong, go for a second opinion, walk-in clinic or emergency is always a good place to go.

  • 前列腺
  • 她一天没吃饭
  • 树 1
  • 后院的另一角