please help me!

来源: 2009-07-17 15:20:00 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
I am a 41 years old female. I have been hepatitis B carrier for more than 15 years. My liver test results are all normally (AST and ALT) except that my AFP is slightly higher (11-12). I have been follow-up with abdominal ultra-sounds every 6 months and the results are all normal. I did CT-scan at 2004 and everyting looks normal.

But sometimes I feel the pain around liver area so my doctor suggested me to do another the CT-SCAN last week. On the report, there was a 4mm "object" found inside the liver. He thought it was too small to identify whether it is benign or not. He suggested me to do another one in 3 months to check if it grow or not. Nothing else he can do now.

I am so worried about this might be cancer. Please tell me if this is likely to be cancer or not? what other things I can do rather than waiting for three months???

Thanks a lot,