Pepcid AC 与Ranitidine(Zantac)是同一类药,可以替代服用.

来源: 2009-01-12 05:33:39 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
They are in the same class. They both are histamine 2 receptor antagonist(组胺II受体拮抗剂). Inhibits gastric acid secretion(抑制胃酸分泌). Give without regard to meals. Best given after meals or at bedtime. (最好是饭后或睡前服用)
Interact with Antacids and Ketoconazole. Do not administer within 1 hour of magnesium- or aluminum-containing antacids. May decrease absorption by 33%.

1. Examples of antacids (抗酸药) (brand names may vary in different countries).

Aluminium hydroxide (Amphojel, AlternaGEL)
Magnesium hydroxide (Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia)
Aluminum hydroxide with magnesium hydroxide (Maalox, Mylanta, Diovol)
Aluminum carbonate gel (Basaljel)
Calcium carbonate (Alcalak, TUMS, Quick-Eze, Rennie, Titralac, Rolaids)
Sodium bicarbonate (Bicarbonate of soda, Alka-Seltzer)
Hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(CO3)(OH)16 · 4(H2O); Talcid)
Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol)
Magaldrate with Simethicone (Pepsil)
氢氧化镁(magnesium hydroxide) 抗酸作用较强、较快。镁离子有导泻作用,少量吸收经肾排出,如肾功能不良可引起血镁过高。

三硅酸镁(magnesium trisilicate) 抗酸作用较弱而慢,但持久。在胃内生成胶状二氧化硅对溃疡面有保护作用。

氢氧化铝(aluminum hydroxide) 抗酸作用较强,缓慢。作用后产生氧化铝有收敛、止血和引起便秘作用。还可影响磷酸盐、四环素、地高辛、异烟肼、强的松等的吸收。

碳酸钙(calcium carbonate)抗酸作用较强、快而持久。可产生CO2气体。进入小肠的Ca2+可促进胃泌素分泌,引起反跳性胃酸分泌增多。

碳酸氢钠(sodium bicarbonate)又称小苏打。作用强、快而短暂。可产生CO2气体。未被中和的碳酸氢钠几乎全部吸收,能引起碱血症。

2. Ketoconazole(酮康唑,力素劳,尼唑啦,里素劳,霉康灵)is a synthetic antifungal drug used to prevent and treat skin and fungal infections.