杜编和FL_MSD:我找到了Whole Foods出售的的肉都不含瘦肉精的证据了!

来源: 2022-02-25 11:28:05 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

前几天看到你们的分享与讨论,确认的Walmart卖的Smithfield牌子的猪肉不含瘦肉精。因为我家十几年来一直只吃whole foods的肉,我很好奇FL_MSD通过问whole foods经理得出的结论:“WHOLE FOOD得到的答案是不论SUPPLIER,所有猪肉不含瘦肉精”是否对于全国各地的whole foods都正确。通过Google搜索“Ractopamine”一词得不到答案,后来换成“beta agonist”终于找到的以下文章, 里边明确说, “To be clear, Whole Foods Market® prohibits the use of growth promotants in our entire meat supply, as well as prohibits the use of antibiotics, ionophores, growth hormones, and sulfas.” 这里所说的“growth promotants”就是“beta agonist (瘦肉精”。

 “At Whole Foods Market, we always want to offer high quality, juicy steaks, at the best possible price. We feel the best steak comes from animals raised to high animal welfare standards, and not fed antibiotics, ionophores, growth hormones, beta agonists (瘦肉精or sulfas.”


另外,我常买wholefoods的猪肉,发现肘子肉里肥肉很多,可以剔除来熬猪油。我觉得whole food的step-4或organic的肉更香,更像小时候自己家里养的猪肉的味道。

另据wiki: “瘦肉精是「乙型受體素(β受體促進劑,β -adrenergic receptor agonists)」的通俗名稱,動物用藥「萊克多巴胺(Ractopamine)」是其中的一種。”