回复:求教:牙医要11岁半的儿子拔稚牙(baby teeth)装牙套的问题?

来源: 2009-03-08 19:59:19 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
If the back baby tooth's decay is too extensive or too close to the nerve but the nerve has not yet been touched, Stainless steel crown or other crowns would be recommended to stop the decay generally and to avoid killing the nerve.
Large fillings on baby teeth do not work well because of the nature of the anatomy of the baby teeth and also because children tend to grind their teeth naturally, and large fillings may not be adequately retained under this type of stress.

请详细询问孩子的牙医有关做与不做的优缺点. 若孩子蛀牙的面积太大不适合填补了、但牙神经未受损时,请花钱做crown保护牙神经,否则半年下来蛀牙加剧后可能要做pulpotomy。

不是牙医,以上英文材料来自医院“牙医网页Nursing Care Notes”里。

若碰巧赶上DDSMS或其他牙医来健康坛,你将得到最专业的答复。Good Luck!