
来源: mw! 2012-04-19 21:00:03 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1850 bytes)
回答: Orando Disney upcoming Tripapril2012-04-19 20:01:52

1) when will be a good time to visit Disney in terms of cheaper price?  Thanksgiving or Christmas? 


2) Where to stay? Inside Disney or outside renting a car.. if stay inside, how much is a good price in terms of hotel charge? I was told that Animal kindom hotel is good for kids, please confirm.


3) Do i need to buy dinner plans to save money? is it necessary to buy it?

不需要,白天就在园子里吃,你们可能还要看晚上园子里的表演,订dinner plans做什么?

4) if for 4 people, how much should be a good deal as a whole package ( hotel, park ticket etc.).

没whole package的经验。在网上找deal,哪里旅馆deal好就订哪里(门票价格都一样)。

5) is there any where to buy a cheap park ticket?





6) how about cruise? Does it make sense to have a cruise planned with the disney park?



总之,在Thanksgiving or Christmas期间去迪斯尼是最不好的时间,人太多,每个项目都排长队,带小孩玩不了几个项目的。尽管有fast pass等手段但每天能玩4、5个项目就到顶了,而迪斯尼每个公园都有50个以上的项目。另外奥兰多夏天很热,天天120度。
