Not the same. Egypt - you run the risk of MiddleEast Conflict

来源: 2007-02-22 22:03:03 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Yes, travel is trivial when comparing to my dear life.

I dont go anywhere that political conflicts can cause potential dangers, simply not worth it. You can be extremely careful but there are too many things that are totally unpredictable, in a violent environment. This can be said about Indonesia too. Few days ago there were some terrible incidents over there.

Egypt - I used to want to go, not any more, ever since tourists were gunned down by machine guns at Valley of the Kings (or Valley of the Queens, forgot the exact location). Yes, some may think this is exciting, some may think with the ever-presence of police, it should be safe ... More power to them.

Besides, Egypt and basically most 3rd world places, are simply too unsanitary... My next door neighbor has been there, and he absolutely hates it - he said to me, Egype is the dirtiest country he has ever been. :DDD