新闻:埃及西奈半岛爆炸 (图)

来源: 2006-04-24 11:35:58 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

年底刚去过的,还在 Dahab 买东西。Dahab 有点象 Las Vegas,沙漠里建的绿洲。西奈半岛南部的度假区到处都查得很严。长途汽车要停下来检查好几次护照,每个旅馆都要查包才能进门,餐馆也有 metal detector。当时觉得太夸张了,想不到还真不安全。 ---- CAIRO (Reuters) - Three explosions shook the Egyptian Sinai resort of Dahab on Monday and smoke could be seen rising from the town's tourist bazaar, witnesses said. Residents said they saw body parts and debris on the street after an explosion at a restaurant. Media reports spoke of at least 100 dead and injured. "There is smoke coming from the area and there are people running everywhere," said the witness, who did not want to be named. The explosions were heard about 7:15 p.m. local time (1315 EDT) on Monday, part of a five-day spring holiday in Egypt, the witness said. A interior ministry official confirmed there had been explosions but said he had no further information. "There were explosions but the picture is still not clear," he said. Body parts and debris were seen in the streets after an explosion in a tourist restaurant, other residents said. One visitor said cars and buses leaving the resort were being stopped by police. "There were body parts and debris in the street ... There are ambulances and cars taking people to hospital," said another resident who also did not want to be named. Last July, at least 60 people, including foreigners, were killed and more than 200 were wounded when two car bombs and a suitcase ripped through hotels and shopping areas in Egypt's tourist area of Sharm el-Sheikh.