
来源: 2018-03-16 19:04:28 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

老师好! 我EB1a 通过,但J豁免还在大使馆最后审批阶段,估计4月前可以送到DOS. 这样的情况我可以现在直接递交485,注明DOS pending吗,等RF的时候估计J豁免已经下来了。这样做会被直接reject吗。EB1排期对我现在的工作会有很大影响。谢谢。
-Technically, you cannot file I-485 before you get the J-1 waiver approval from USCIS. But practically, you may just file I-485 now, and then USCIS will send you RFE for this document some time later, and then can provide it at that time. The only issue is that if USCIS send you RFE for this document and you have not got the J-1 waiver at that time (i.e. you cannot provide it before the deadline on the RFE), then your I-485 will be denied.

-Yes. So, just go ahead to do it as soon as possible to extend your legal status. You cannot extend J-1 status after J-1 waiver is approved.