
8老师,请问您,对于EB1a的 Supporting Documents是不是有出生,结婚和无犯罪证明就可以?
-Yes if you apply for the immigrant visa in China.

我用Document Finder查China的Supporting Documents,发现有这么多项

Visa Classifications
Birth, Death, Burial Certificates
Marriage, Divorce Certificates
Adoption Certificates (不适合我)
Identity Card(上面写的是Unavailable.)
Police, Court, Prison Records
Military Records(Generally not available.)
Passports & Other Travel Documents
Other Records
-Only need to provide what apply to you.


最后一个Other Records下面写了一大段话

Available. Notarial Work Experience Certificates (NWECS) briefly describe an applicant's work experience in the PRC. They should be required of all employment based preference immigrant applicants who claim work experience in China. Employer's letters or sworn statements from persons claiming person's knowledge should not be accepted in lieu of NWECS. The inability of an applicant to obtain a NWEC should be regarded as prima facie evidence the applicant does not possess the claimed experience.

-Yes based on the above description. But I am nor sure whether you need to provide this document because your EB1A I-140 has been approved. But if you are the primary applicant of EB1A, you had better prepare it, just in case.



Thank you very much -oucruiser- 给 oucruiser 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/25/2017 postreply 05:21:19
