TX_Kitty, Tank you. in my case

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回答: 何时获得劳工卡呀急急呀2003-11-22 18:45:00

before my RIR application was submitted to Regional office, our company received an letter (on Oct 2001) from state requesting to give an explaination of company layoffs during that period. State seems to be ok with the reply and my application was finally submitted to CA reginal office on early dec 2001. My position requires M.Eng with at least 3 years experience, according to your explaination, it looks to be met with condition 1 and don't have to go through condition 2, is that right? Thank you so much...really anxious waiting the results.


If officer -TX_Kitty- 给 TX_Kitty 发送悄悄话 (200 bytes) () 11/23/2003 postreply 18:51:00
