回复:请教Pjiang and 863211老师,EAD delay,会不会影响将来485批准?

1. No. Not related.
2. Strickly, it is illegal. But if your boss pay those money as bonus, it should be fine.
3. Nothing.
4. It is a good way.


回复:回复:请教Pjiang and 863211老师,EAD delay,会不会影响将来485批准? -gccanada- 给 gccanada 发送悄悄话 (270 bytes) () 06/11/2010 postreply 07:30:31

Agree with usedtobeadoctor and needwait. -863211- 给 863211 发送悄悄话 863211 的博客首页 (352 bytes) () 06/11/2010 postreply 07:40:04

回复:Agree with usedtobeadoctor and needwait. -gccanada- 给 gccanada 发送悄悄话 (618 bytes) () 06/11/2010 postreply 07:48:29

回复:回复:Agree with usedtobeadoctor and needwait. -863211- 给 863211 发送悄悄话 863211 的博客首页 (206 bytes) () 06/11/2010 postreply 08:31:01

回复:回复:回复:Agree with usedtobeadoctor and needwait. -gccanada- 给 gccanada 发送悄悄话 (32 bytes) () 06/11/2010 postreply 08:33:53
