美大选开始投票 希拉里在首个开票小镇中获胜

来源: 2016-11-07 22:12:16 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

(美国之音) 华盛顿 —

星期二是美国大选日。零点一过,新罕普什尔州的迪克斯威尔山口(Dixville Notch)镇投票站开始接受投票。




First Election Day results: Dixville Notch goes for Clinton

Four voters in the tiny New Hampshire town of Dixville Notch cast ballots for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton just after midnightTuesday, the first Election Day results.

GOP nominee Donald Trump got two votes and Libertarian Gary Johnson got one vote. Former Massachusetts Gov. and 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney received a write-in vote. 

The voting finished in less than a minute.

Seven of the eight votes were cast in person, with one absentee ballot cast. One voter registered at the polls immediately ahed of casting a vote, a first according to local news. This year, two women and six men cast ballots. 

The results of the key Senate race were tied, with Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R) and Gov. Maggie Hassan each getting four votes. 

The midnight vote is a closely watched tradition in U.S. politics. The tiny town is able to tally its votes around midnight because of a state law that allows towns with fewer than 100 voters to close the polls after all eligible voters have cast their ballots. 

Hart's Location and Millsfield conduct similar midnight tallies. Trump handily won in Millsfield, taking 16 votes to Clinton's four. 

Clinton won in Hart's Location, 17 to 14.

The RealClearPolitics polling average shows a tight race in the Granite State, with Clinton ahead by less than a point.