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川普:将目前最高的个人所得税级距由39.6%削减到33%,根据税务基金会(Tax Foundation)的估计,顶端1%富人将因此增加5.3%的税后收入。川普同时将每户家庭的应税所得减免金额最高限制在20万美元。

希拉里:针对富人提出许多增税项目,包括年收入逾500万美元者增收4%附加税,增列个人所得税级距43.6%,年收入超过100万美元者至少要缴30%的所得税。另外,限制富人适用的多项减税金额。根据税收政策中心(Tax Policy Center)的估计,顶端1%的富人将因此多缴税78,284美元,税后收入减少5%。







川普:将公司税由现行的35%减为15%。川普发言人史蒂芬?张(Steven Cheung)2日表示川普的这项政策是让“纳税中间实体”(pass through entity,即合伙人以个人所得税的方式缴纳公司税)适用15%的公司税。根据税务基金会的估计,此将造成税收减少1.5万亿美元。



“附带权益”(carried interest)漏洞












希拉里:将提高美国企业归类为外商独资的难度,以避免税负倒置。另外,为了阻止美国企业转移海外,将采离开税(exit tax)以及保持对公司海外收益的课税。



川普:主张托儿费免税,减免幅度根据各州的收入和平均育儿成本而定,全职在家父母(stay-at-home parents)也可适用。此外,将扩大低收入户的薪资收入税金抵免(Earned Income Tax Credit )。目前育有二名以上孩子的家庭,可获得的减免最高为6,000美元。




Families Facing Tax Increases Under Trump's Latest Tax Plan



Lily L. Batchelder
New York University School of Law

September 24, 2016


Donald Trump’s latest tax plan would cost more than $5 trillion over 10 years. Trump claims his plan would cut taxes for every income group, with the largest tax cuts for working- and middle-class families. But despite its enormous price tag, his plan would actually significantly raise taxes for millions of low- and middle-income families with children, with especially large tax increases for working single parents.

This paper explains why Trump’s latest tax plan raises taxes on so many families and provides examples of how large these tax increases would be. I conservatively estimate that Trump’s plan would increase taxes for roughly 7.8 million families with minor children. These families who would pay more taxes represent roughly 20% of households with minor children and more than half of single parents. They include roughly 25 million individuals and 15 million children.


Study: Donald Trump would raise taxes on millions of middle-class families



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Why Trump’s plan raises taxes on certain middle-class families

Batchelder’s analysis is only valid because of a number of relatively recent changes to Trump’s tax plan, all taken with the goal of bringing down its extravagantly high price tag:

  1. The first tax plan kept the bottom income tax rate at 10 percent, the same as under current law. But Trump then changed it to make the bottom rate 12 percent. That raises taxes on everyone with a positive tax burden, all else being equal. This is offset — and then some — for rich families by lower rates higher up the income scale (like a 33 percent top bracket, down from 39.6), but it's hardly offset at all for many middle-class families.
  2. Trump's initial plan also saw a dramatic increase in the standard deduction, from $12,600 to $50,000 for married couples. Trump would've kept the personal exemption, an additional deduction that all taxpayers can claim for themselves and their family, at its current level of $4,050. But his updated plan not only cut the standard deduction to $30,000 for married couples, it eliminated personal exemptions entirely. So a family of five claiming a personal exemption for each would actually be worse off under Trump’s changes, as five times $4,050 plus $12,600 is greater than $30,000.
  3. Trump’s initial plan left head-of-household filing status, which effectively lowers taxes for unmarried individuals caring for an adult or child dependent, untouched. His new plan eliminates it. That puts middle-class single parents, and single adults caring for a parent or relative, in a bind.

You might think that Trump's proposed deduction for child care costs would mitigate some of these tax increases. But as Batchelder notes, that deduction isn't very valuable for nonrich people. It's less valuable the lower your tax bracket is, and you have to choose between it and the child and dependent care tax credit, which is more valuable for most middle-class families.

Batchelder provides several examples of families that would see their taxes go up under Trump’s plan. The biggest hikes number in the thousands of dollars, and are concentrated among single parents:

  • A single parent with $75,000 in earnings, two children in school, and no child care costs (because the kids are in school) would pay $2,440 more.
  • A single parent with $50,000 in earnings, three children in school, and child care costs of less than $6,000 would pay $1,188 more.
  • A married couple with $50,000 in earnings, two kids in school, and no child care costs would pay $150 more because of the bottom bracket's increase from 10 to 12 percent.