[Live Stream] Hillary Clinton on national security

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Clinton: North Korea nuke test ‘direct threat’ to US

5:15 p.m.

Hillary Clinton says North Korea’s latest nuclear test should prompt a “rethinking” of America’s strategy to deal with the rogue nation.

The Democratic presidential candidate promised Friday to impose tougher sanctions on the country. She also said that the latest test provides an opening to pressure China, which sees the country as an important.

Clinton said she will protect allies and treaty partners in the region including equipping them with missile defense systems.

It was the country’s fifth atomic test and second in eight months.

She spoke after meeting with a bipartisan group of national security experts in New York City.



Hillary Clinton on Friday tore into North Korea’s latest nuclear testing, framing it as a vital challenge to America’s safety.

“North Korea’s decision to conduct another nuclear test is outrageous and unacceptable,” the Democratic presidential contender said in a statement Friday.

“I strongly condemn this reckless action, which — coupled with its recent series of missile launches — makes clear Pyongyang’s determination to develop a deliverable nuclear weapon. This constitutes a direct threat to the U.S., and we cannot and will never accept this.”

Reports emerged Thursday that North Korea conducted its fifth nuclear bomb test, causing a magnitude-5.3 earthquake near the experimentation site.

Pyongyang performed a similar trial in January. United Nations sanctions forbid North Korea from testing missile and nuclear technology.

Clinton said she supports President Obama’s call for increasing U.N. sanctions against North Korea and hitting it with other financial penalties as well.

“At the same time, we must strengthen defense cooperation with our allies in the region,” the former secretary of State said.

“South Korea and Japan are critical to our missile defense system, which will protect us against a North Korean missile. China plays a critical role, too, and must meaningfully increase pressure on North Korea — and we must make sure they do.”

Clinton said America’s next leader must support nuclear de-proliferation.

“This is another reminder we must elect a president who can confront the threats we face with steadiness and strength,” she said. "And we need a president committed to reducing — not increasing — the number of nuclear weapons and nuclear states in the world.

“More countries with nuclear weapons in Northeast Asia would increase the chances of the unthinkable happening. We cannot take that risk.”




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