>>>川普有500多家公司在他的名下,其中五家公司破產,代表1%的失敗率...還有他的Trump University被人告

回答: 美国大选:一个韬奋人的随想 (2)时传祥2016-07-28 15:55:43

You also forgot to mention the failures of his other businesses, such as Trump Steaks, Trump, GoTrump.com, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump the Game, Trump Magazine...etc.


And yes -- Trump University, which also went out of business and resulted in Mr. Trump being sued for fraud in two different states.  Being sued is one thing.  Being sued by its own students and the state attorney general for fraud and illegal business practices is...quite another.  (lawsuits filed before Mr. Trump ran for election, btw).
