世界日報: 亞裔男薪情佳 全美時薪最高

来源: 2016-07-02 12:24:52 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
2016-07-03 世界日報









如只看至少擁有學士學位的25歲以上美國人,亞裔男性境況也好得多,去年中位時薪有35元,白人男性為32元。亞裔女性的中位時薪為27 元,白人女性為25元。非裔和西語裔男性分別為25元和26元。






同時,各族裔女性員工與白人男性的待遇差距正逐漸縮小,白人和亞裔女性進展更大。1995年亞裔女性的中位時薪為白人男性的79%,去年提高到 87%。從1980年到2015年,白人女性這種比率從60%提高到82%,非裔女性從56%提高到65%,西語裔女性從53%提高到58%。




Washington Post

Here's the one group of people that makes more than white men

Alvaro Agraz:

Don't let Trump find out.


Mit Dott:
Asian privilege!


Justin Baumgartner:

Nice racist rant TWP. You also disproved your own argument, unless you're racist, since Asian women can earn more than other women. So either they're better than others cuz of their skin color or culture...your obviously think it's the former.


Leigh Sutton:

Wait...what??? But they're minorities!!! I thought Whitie was keeping minorities down.

Never mind, they are minorities that get educations, work hard, and believe in the family unit. Guess they should check their privilege


Heather Starner:

The last 3 post I've seen in my news feed from this page is pretty much just encouraging race or discrimination issues, it's either... the white man(which should of been said the English man as not all white people are wealthy) the other was about gays, and so on.... I have deleted so many negative pages and yet every time I get on here there's something annoying, stop helping people hate each other!!! This page is deleted as of now. Back in the day a persons finances we're private, personal and in my opinion....the last dollar I have is no one business. Personally all races can make money opportunities are everywhere it's what you do with them. Doesn't matter what race you are, if your ambitious and not lazy. I am just sick of everything...... EVERYTHING being a race issue or involving race.. it's people or nothing!!!


Jay Sitlani:

The reality is that Asians with higher education still make less than their white counterparts with the same. On average we make more because more of us as a percentage are better educated.