
来源: 互联网 2016-06-25 21:16:50 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5899 bytes)


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Brexit: a vote that changes everything


June 24, 2016 5:46 am


Vote against the EU could turn out to be a vote against the United Kingdom

Where to start? This was a vote that changed everything. Economic and foreign policies crafted over nearly half a century overturned in the course of a single night. A political establishment shattered by an insurgency against the elites. The nations of the United Kingdom divided; and England split between its metropolitan cities and post-industrial provinces. A vote against globalisation. A decision that weakens Europe and the west. Political earthquake is an understatement.

Sixty years ago the Suez debacle brought down the curtain on empire. The referendum has seen a badly divided Britain sign off as one of the west’s leading powers. David Cameron had warned that a decision to pull up the drawbridge against Europe would be an act of self-harm. It is much more than that. For centuries a global player — and for one long spell an unrivalled empire — Britain has sounded the retreat. Forget dreamy nostalgia about a nation unshackled from Brussels reconquering the world. Britain will spend the next decade in search of what will be a much diminished role.

A vote against the EU could well turn out also to be a vote against the United Kingdom. The Brexiters were English nationalists. Scotland and Northern Ireland wanted to remain. So did London, the pre-eminent global city. So the leaving of one union may be the death of another. Who could blame the Scots for preferring Europe over an England turned in on itself? How long before the English tire of picking up the bill for Northern Ireland?

The political shocks from this revolt against the ancien regime will be felt well beyond Britain’s shores. It is a big blow to Europe, and a warning to established parties across liberal democracies. The outcome was shaped as much as by a revolt against globalisation as by the peculiar British antipathy towards the Eurocrats of Brussels. Immigration loomed largest — this in a nation that has always been open to the world. How easily expansive patriotism can curdle into narrow-eyed nationalism.

Across advanced democracies politics has been soured by resentment against wealthy elites. Look across Europe, or across the Atlantic to Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign, and you see the same seething discontent about globalisation, migration and cuts in welfare. The postwar political order, dominated as it has been by parties of the centre-right and centre-left, is under unprecedented strain. Rising populism of the extreme left and right has begun to sound echoes of the 1930s.

In England, the divisions were apparent in the pattern of voting. London voted overwhelmingly to remain. The leave vote was strongest in those parts of provincial England — the north-east and north-west notably — that feel left behind by globalisation.

Mr Cameron has said he will resign. History will remember him as a prime minister who gambled the nation’s future on an attempt to appease his own party. But the political consequences will reach well beyond the choice of Conservative leader. Labour voters defied the party line in their millions. With the Tories divided and Labour rebuffed it is hard to imagine how the present order can be sustained.

In the short term, the economic shock and the turbulence on financial markets will be most likely matched by political paralysis. The people have voted to leave the EU, but there is no agreement about what might replace membership. Whoever among the Outers replaces Mr Cameron in Downing Street — and the favourite Boris Johnson would be absolutely the worst choice — he or she will struggle to build a consensus.

No, Britain will not be visited with famine and pestilence. But it will be poorer and weaker for this week’s decision. US President Barack Obama was telling the truth when he said that Britain’s role in Europe buttressed its influence in Washington. You could add a dozen other capitals to the list — Beijing, Delhi and Tokyo among them.

The world no longer belongs to the west. Liberty, democracy, the rule of law — the values that Britain often claims as its own — are under challenge. Europe, for all its flaws and annoyances, was the agency through which Britain could make a difference.

For much of the past 70 years Britain has sought, in the words of one former foreign secretary, to punch above its weight in global affairs. Now it plans to withdraw into itself. Yet going it alone ignores at once the international nature of Britain’s interests and the stark geopolitical realities. How long before the regret sets in?



想想港台吧,嗯。。 -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/25/2016 postreply 21:18:55

最开始如果体制有不合理的一面,而民众诉求不给发声机会又没有得到正面反馈,后果就是本来不是民粹,越污名化, -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (149 bytes) () 06/25/2016 postreply 21:54:10

英国人恨精英。当然这是现在在西方社会也算普遍,精英,名人都面临着被民意抛弃的风险。 -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/25/2016 postreply 21:46:07

还有另一面常被人忽视:即使民意支持英国退欧,但最终结果可能仍然会与民意相差甚远! -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/25/2016 postreply 21:47:56

那是因为由左派和精英掌握的政治在切实地改变着人们的生活, -天蝎小猪- 给 天蝎小猪 发送悄悄话 (164 bytes) () 06/25/2016 postreply 21:50:34

我就是这个意思,不过,还是要提醒事态的转化可能也不是民众能控制的。 -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/25/2016 postreply 21:56:29

过十年再回头一看,才发现英国人太有远见了做了一个正确选择。 -money4ivy- 给 money4ivy 发送悄悄话 (74 bytes) () 06/25/2016 postreply 22:51:20

大不列颠过去引领世界走向文明,在今后的很长时间里,还是会这样。 -大文嚎- 给 大文嚎 发送悄悄话 大文嚎 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/26/2016 postreply 09:49:20



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