
来源: 2016-03-05 14:40:44 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



美国企业研究所学者Charles Murray撰文指出,在社会上,白人工人阶层男性被社会精英们看不起,而在自己的社区中,他们作为家庭支柱、好父亲、好伴偶的角色得不到认可,他们的社区生活开始分崩离析。这一切也加剧了他们的挫折感。最重要的是,几十年来他们投票支持的政党——共和党没有做任何一件事情来帮助他们。他们怎么会不愤怒?这篇文章具有一定参考意义。


如果你对特朗普主义(Trumpism)感到沮丧,可别骗自己说如果特朗普(Donald Trump)未获得共和党总统候选人提名,特朗普主义就会逐渐消失。特朗普主义是许多美国人对美国演进轨迹所生愤怒之情的一种表达,而这种愤怒是合情合理的,特朗普主义的出现也在意料之中。特朗普主义标志着美国社会持续半个世纪的一种演化进程已经走到了最后阶段,即美国对其深具历史意义的国家认同的摒弃。

知名政治学家亨廷顿(Samuel Huntington)在其最后一部作品《我们是谁?》(Who Are We?)中写道,这种国家认同有两个重要组成部分。其中一个组成部分是美国的盎格鲁-新教传统,由于美国目前存在众多文化和宗教传统,安格鲁-新教传统无可避免会褪色。另外一个组成部分是美国理念,这是美国人独一无二的东西。正如历史学家霍夫施塔特(Richard Hofstadter)所言:“美国是一个没有意识形态的国家,它本身就是一种意识形态,这是我们的宿命。”


直到1960年时,这种信仰还是全国性共识。当年角逐民主党总统候选人提名的肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)、约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)和汉弗莱(Hubert Humphrey)都真正信奉这种理念,他们与共和党人的分歧只是实现方法的不同。


笔者2012年在《分崩离析》(Coming Apart)一书中详细讨论了这些新的阶级。新的上层阶级包括那些决定这个国家的经济、政治以及文化形态的人。新的下层阶级包括那些未能遵从美国公民文化一些最基本习俗(尤其是工作和婚姻习俗)的人。这两个新出现的阶级实际上都否定了美国信条,无论他们嘴上说得多漂亮也改变不了这个事实。特朗普主义则代表了夹在这两个阶级之间的工人阶层的声音,向世人宣告这个阶层同样也在背离这一信条。



在美国的社会群落里,社会和文化之间曾呈现出高度的异质性。法国政治社会学家托克维尔(Tocqueville)在19世纪30年代曾写道,在美国,较为富裕的民众煞费苦心地不显得高高在上。这种情况一直持续到了20世纪,甚至在美国的精英社区当中也是如此。在1960年的人口普查中,费城高级住宅区Main Line的居民收入中值仅相当于今天的9万美元。波士顿Brookline的居民收入中值为7.5万美元,纽约上东区仅为6万美元。在这些社区通常的宴会上,很多客人仅仅只有高中学历。

但自那以来,新的上层阶级发展出了独特的文化。在半个世纪的时间里,美国顶尖的大学吸引了全国各地最优秀的人才,他们彼此交往,相互通婚。聪明才智越来越受到重视。2016年,前面提到的那些精英社区中的宴会上,来宾几乎全都拥有大学学位甚至更高的教育背景。他们大体上都很富有。当前Main Line、Brookline和纽约上东区的居民家庭收入中值分别在15万、15.1万和20.3万美元左右。


新兴上层阶级的另一个特点是他们很容易就接受成为上层阶级成员的现实并且对普通美国人表现出一种傲慢态度,这是美国社会的一种新现象。在与受过高等教育的朋友聊天时尝试使用“乡巴佬”这个词,看看他们是否会产生听到其他种族歧视语汇时的那种紧张情绪。当你提到“飞跃之地”(flyover country)这个词而没人问你这词是什么意思时,想想这意味着什么吧。如果想不明白的话,可以跟一位在西佛吉尼亚购买了周末度假地的华盛顿朋友聊聊。他会告诉你他对新邻居们的不屑,而这些邻人他在华盛顿精英社区里已经遇到过。




















别忘了还有温和派民主党人,他们是罗斯福新政(New Deal)的精神继承者。他们或许鼓吹社会民主制度,但他们对于将美国人划分为不同群体加以区别对待的政策不满,而且非常坚定地支持言论自由、个人的道德责任以及托克维尔所说的那种平等主义。这样的人依然很多,不过他们大多不敢亮明自己的政治观点。





本文作者: 默里 (Charles Murray) 供职于美国企业研究所 (American Enterprise Institute),是该研究所的W.H. Brady学者。他撰写过多本书籍,例如《民治:重建自由,无须得到许可》(By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission)和《分崩离析:美国白人五十年来(1960-2010)的变化》(Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010)。


《纽约客》:  特朗普与美国三K党的历史

Donald Trump and the Ku Klux Klan: A History

February 29, 2016
By Evan Osnos

For months, as Donald Trump developed his political repertoire, he adopted an uncharacteristic reply for questions about fascism and the Ku Klux Klan: silence, or something close to it.

He used the technique as early as last August, when his opponents, and the press, still generally regarded him as a summer amusement. On August 26th, the Bloomberg Television anchor John Heilemann brought up David Duke, the former Klan Grand Wizard, who had said that Trump was “the best of the lot” in the 2016 campaign. Trump replied that he had no idea who Duke was. Heilemann asked if Trump would repudiate Duke’s endorsement. “Sure,” Trump said, “if that would make you feel better, I would certainly repudiate. I don’t know anything about him.” Changing tack, Heilemann pressed Trump about an article in this magazine, which described Trump’s broad support among neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and other members of the far right who were drawn in by his comments about Mexicans. Trump maintained a posture of indifference. “Honestly, John, I’d have to read the story. A lot of people like me.” The interview moved on to other topics.

It should be noted that Trump’s unfamiliarity with Duke is a recent condition. In 2000, Trump issued a statement that he was no longer considering a run for President with the backing of the Reform Party, partly because it “now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke.”

Throughout last fall and into the winter, Trump continued to accumulate support among white nationalists. In November, on a weekend in which he said that a black protester, at a rally in Alabama, deserved to be “roughed up,” Trump retweeted a graphic composed of false racist statistics on crime; the graphic, it was discovered, originated from a neo-Nazi account that used as its profile image a variation on the swastika. In January, he retweeted the account “@WhiteGenocideTM,” which identified its location as “Jewmerica.” Shortly before the Iowa caucuses, a pro-Trump robocall featured several white supremacists, including the author Jared Taylor, who told voters, “We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, well-educated white people.” Each time Trump was asked on Twitter about his white nationalist supporters, the candidate, who is ready to respond, day or night, to critics of his debating style or his golf courses, simply ignored the question.

Only under special circumstances did Trump summon a forceful response on matters of the Klan: in January, BoingBoing unearthed a newspaper report from 1927 on the arraignment of a man with the name and address of Donald Trump’s father; the story was about attendees of a Klan rally who fought with police, though it wasn’t clear from the story why the Trump in the piece was arrested. Asked about it, Donald Trump denied that his father had had any connection to a Klan rally. “It’s a completely false, ridiculous story. He was never there! It never happened. Never took place.”

But recently, as Trump’s campaign has received much belated closer scrutiny, his reliable approach to the Klan problem has faltered. On Thursday, Duke offered his strongest support for the candidate yet, telling radio listeners that a vote for one of Trump’s rivals would be “treason to your heritage.” The next day, when Trump had hoped to focus on his endorsement by Governor Chris Christie, of New Jersey, a reporter shouted a question about Duke’s embrace, and Trump said, “David Duke endorsed me? O.K., all right, I disavow. O.K.?” For the moment, it worked, and the press conference moved on. Christie, in fact, bore the brunt of the Duke association: he appeared on the front page of the Daily News on Saturday, as the “MAN WITH A KLAN,” with his picture beside a group of hooded Klansmen. In a different spirit, the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi news site that long ago endorsed Trump, awarded Christie the title “Heroic Deputy.” (Christie’s overnight evolution from trashing Trump to obeying him repulsed even the political class, a group that is usually more forgiving of self-rationalization. The technology executive Meg Whitman, who had been one of Christie’s top backers, called his alliance with Trump “an astonishing display of political opportunism,” and asked Christie’s donors and supporters “to reject the governor and Donald Trump outright.”)

Over the weekend, Trump’s purported indifference to support from white supremacists and fascists became an inescapable problem. He had retweeted a Mussolini quote from @ilduce2016 (which, it turned out, was an account created by Gawker to trap Trump)—“It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep”—and, when asked, on NBC, if he wanted to associate himself with Mussolini, he said that he wanted “to be associated with interesting quotes.” He added, “Mussolini was Mussolini. . . . What difference does it make?” On CNN, Jake Tapper pressed him about David Duke, and Trump, seeming to forget that he had given a one-line disavowal, reverted to a position of theatrical incomprehension: “Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, O.K.?” Tapper asked three times if Trump would denounce the Klan’s support, and each time Trump declined. “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists,” he said. “So I don’t know. I don’t know—did he endorse me, or what’s going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists.”

By Monday, less than twenty-four hours before primary voting on Super Tuesday, his non-answers about the Klan were creating a crisis, and Trump introduced a new explanation: audio trouble. “I’m sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad earpiece that they gave me, and you could hardly hear what he was saying,” he said on the “Today” show. “But what I heard was various groups, and I don’t mind disavowing anybody, and I disavowed David Duke and I disavowed him the day before at a major news conference, which is surprising because he was at the major news conference, CNN was at the major news conference, and they heard me very easily disavow David Duke.”

There may be no better measure of the depravity of this campaign season than the realization that it’s not clear whether Trump’s overt appreciation for fascism, and his sustained salute to American racists, will have a positive or negative effect on his campaign. For now, his opponents are rejoicing. Marco Rubio, the Florida senator, pronounced him “unelectable.” Governor John Kasich, of Ohio, called Trump’s comments “just horrific.” But it is by now a truism to note that Trump has survived pratfalls that other politicians have not. A surprisingly large portion of Americans believed him when he pushed a racist campaign denying the birthplace of Barack Obama; a comparably chilling portion of Americans were attracted when he called Mexicans rapists. By the end of the day on Sunday, he had received the endorsement of Senator Jeff Sessions, of Alabama, the first sitting senator officially to line up with Trump. Sessions was not likely to be bothered by Trump’s flirtations with the Klan. In 1986, he was rejected from a federal judgeship after saying that he thought the Klan was “O.K. until I learned they smoked pot.”

In the weeks to come, Trump is virtually guaranteed to accumulate additional endorsements from politicians like Christie and Sessions, who have divined their interests in drafting behind the strongest candidate for the Republican nomination. Whether driven by fear of irrelevance or attracted by the special benefits of being an early adopter, Christie seemed compelled to do it, and now the remnant of his political reputation is going from a solid to a gas. But the true obscenity of his decision, and those of other Trumpists, may take years to be fully appreciated. In an editorial last week, the Washington Post declared that “history will not look kindly on GOP leaders who fail to do everything in their power to prevent a bullying demagogue from becoming their standard-bearer.” That’s true, but history will judge even more harshly those who stand with Trump now that it is indefensibly clear with whom they are standing.