A big portion of public has been dumb down and not realize it

来源: 2015-12-17 20:15:05 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

they would vote whoever media direct them. 

If Trump wins, America would start new era. A lot of cleaning up to do domestically and internationally. I hope that Trump wins as most historical statistics indicate.  However, America never stop surprising me

Its kind of fun to watch that nothing threw by media against works. They are in panic mode now. Remember, media is another power branch beside Democrat and GOP. They get to decide who win and who lose by their news coverage and their pundits' opinions . It has been this way since long ago,,,, until 2015 when Trump came.   Trump tapped into exactly part of public that are angry at Washington.  He is very smart person. He speaks their language about their issues in very political incorrect way. He is succeeding.  I notice that he is very fast learner.  His words sounds way out of line on the first hearing but then later public side with him.   To public he speaks his mind.  He has strength to control the situation he is, let it be debate or TV interview.  No one can get "gotcha" moment with him.  Its kind of fun to listen him talking.  My favorite Trump line is,  in respond to qeustion why he can not apologize,  "I can apologize. But you know you have to be wrong first. I have said nothing wrong"