
来源: 2015-12-15 18:26:07 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

The Obamas treat Air Force One like an Uber ride': Chief of spending watchdog says president's Christmas Hawaii trip is too expensive to justify

  • Head of Judicial Watch criticized cost of trip, which will spiral into millions
  • Air Force One costs $206,000 an hour to fly, and is one expense of many
  • Secret Service, local police and ambulance and other security also needed 
  • Obama family are off on eighth annual Hawaii trip from this Friday
  • The First Family are due to stay away from the White House until January 4

Barack Obama has been savaged by a top spending campaigner for taking the First Family on an eighth consecutive Christmas vacation to Hawaii, at huge expense to the American taxpayer.

The President was accused of treating Air Force One, which costs $206,000/hour to run, 'like an Uber ride' ahead of his next jaunt to his home state.

Fly-time alone will set taxpayers back somewhere in the region of $3.5million as Obama, the First Lady, Sasha and Malia and their two dogs jet off for around two weeks.

They have traditionally rented a luxury villa in the upscale Kailua area on Oahu, the main island, and head out for hikes, rounds of golf and restaurant meals with their friends.

Tom Fitton, the head of the Judicial Watch pressure group, said Obama's holiday habit proves that he is out of touch - and has to stop.


He told AL.com: 'The Obamas' travel is out of control. They are treating the Air Force One like an Uber ride.

'And President Obama seems oblivious to the burden he is placing on Americans with his continuous vacations, getaways, and political junkets at taxpayer expense.'

During the trips, the Obamas are accompanied by a substantial Secret Service detail, who costs thousands of dollars a day to accommodate in the idyllic vacation spot.

Local police also work overtime and an ambulance trails the Presidential party at all times in case of disaster - all of which will push the total further into the millions.

He and the First Lady usually make a special trip to the base to to wish the troops stationed there a Merry Christmas and to thank them for their service. 


On the island, it appears preparations are already under way for the presidents' arrival.

The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed there are temporary flight restrictions in the area from December 19 to January 4.

An islander also told Honolulu TV station KHON2 he had seen Secret Service in the area and had been given a flyer about security in Kailua Bay.

The Hawaii trips are not the only examples of extravagance which have been seized on by critics.

In March it emerged that the White House dropped at least $1million flying the President and the First Lady to Los Angeles and back on two separate planes inside a single day so they could be on TV.

Barack Obama sat down with Jimmy Kimmel to appear on his NBC show, while Michelle grabbed the change to be interviewed by Ellen DeGeneres.

Despite the two shows being filmed just miles apart, the White House insisted the journeys were 'not in sync' so required separate planes.

As well as the Christmas vacation, the Obamas typically take a summer retreat to Martha's Vineyard off the Massachusetts coast, allowing the President to tot up some more hours on the golf course.