《纽约时报》: 移民危机加重,欧洲开放边境受到挑战

来源: 2015-09-04 13:27:42 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



英国《卫报》7日报道说,该报接触了美国22名2016年总统竞选人,只有一人明确表示美国应接收更多难民。 -



川普:若当选总统 叙难民送回国













“我们要拯救生命,打击从事人口贩卖的罪犯,”奥地利内政部长约翰娜·米克尔-莱特纳(Johanna Mikl-Leitner)说。当被问及这些管控措施将在何时结束时,她说“没有限期”。



否则,默克尔警告说,在欧盟成员国中自由移动的原则就会受到损害。这个原则体现在申根协议(Schengen Agreement)中。



“由此产生的混乱,往往会造成不清晰的局面,以及难以管控的状况,”匈牙利政府发言人佐尔坦·科瓦奇( Zoltan Kovacs)说,他认为在维护欧洲外部边界的完整性上,匈牙利已经尽到了自己的努力。


上周二,对于如何处理来自叙利亚的庇护申请,德国移民和难民部门发布了新的指导方针,称官员将“不再强制”按《都柏林公约》(Dublin Regulation)执行;该公约规定了处理这类情况的标准。因此,那些逃离叙利亚的难民现在有很大的机会留在德国,无论他们通过何种途径到达了该国。


那辆在奥地利被遗弃的卡车,被法国日报《解放报》( Libération)在一个标题中称为“耻辱卡车”。本周一,奥地利官员在公布这起案件新细节的新闻发布会上说,那辆卡车最初是在上周三上午9点左右,在匈牙利边境一侧被发现的。

奥地利内政部公众安全主管康拉德·科勒尔(Konrad Kogler)说,约半小时后,一名匈牙利货车司机告诉警察,他看到过有人在那辆车附近。科勒尔说,卡车停在了连接维也纳到布达佩斯的公路的一侧。









Alison Smale自维也纳、Melissa Eddy自柏林报道。Palko Karasz自布达佩斯、Rick Gladstone自纽约对本文有报道贡献。




Numbering of Migrants by Czechs Brings Outcry
LONDON — Human rights advocates and Jewish groups expressed outrage on Thursday after the authorities in the Czech Republic wrote numbers on the skin of migrants who were pulled off trains this week, a move they said summoned memories of the Nazi era.
The Czech officers used felt-tip pens to write the numbers on the hands of some of the more than 200 mostly Syrian migrants at Breclav railway station on Tuesday. The officers were apparently unaware of the historical resonance with World War II, when the Nazis tattooed numbers on the arms of Jews at concentration camps.
The Czech government said Thursday it had abandoned the practice, but the dehumanizing treatment of migrants has come under criticism by human rights groups at a time when countries across Europe have grappled with how to respond to the migration crisis in the face of the rise of far-right anti-immigrant parties that have demonized migrants.
Language used to describe migrants has come under criticism, including in Britain, for example, where Prime Minister David Cameron in July referred to them as “a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean.”
This week, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland was criticized for installing sprinkler showers at its entrance to combat heat, a move that a visitor complained evoked the painful history of the concentration camp.
The episodes in the Czech Republic and at the museum in Poland, said Tomas Kraus, the executive director of the Federation of the Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic, showed a lack of sensitivity and historical awareness.
“It is 70 years after the war, and it is a new generation, and they have no clue about history,” he said by telephone. “It is a lack of education, a lack of empathy. If they understood the history, the images from the history, they would not do it.”
Jan Brulc, a spokesman at Migrants’ Rights Network, an advocacy group based in London, said the Czech episode reflected the extent to which many European Union countries are ill equipped to deal with the large influx of migrants.
“This incident shows how certain countries in Europe have been hit completely off guard,” he said. “The image of labeling refugees brings historical images of the Second World War to mind, and the police and border guards should understand the requirement under international conventions to treat migrants with the dignity they deserve. Countries can’t punish people for being migrants.”
The Czech Interior Ministry said that the inscriptions, which were written after the migrants were taken off a train traveling from Hungary to Germany, were not standard practice.
The ministry said that the priority of the police had been to ensure that families were not separated, and a spokeswoman noted in an emailed statement that the authorities were under pressure to move quickly.
The spokeswoman, Lucie Novakova, added that new rules would be initiated “in order to prevent such a situation in the future.”
The Czech Republic has so far received 884 asylum requests this year, compared with 800,000 that Germany is expected to get this year, yet the country has experienced a simmering anti-immigrant backlash.
During 40 years of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe, immigration was relatively small, and countries are still trying to come to terms with the challenges of immigration and integration. There are fewer than 20,000 Muslims in the Czech Republic, and anti-immigration groups have exploited the relative lack of familiarity with Islam to suggest that migrants, many of whom are fleeing Syria, pose a terrorist threat.
The human cost of the migration crisis was called into sharp relief this week after at least 12 migrants fleeing the war in Syria, including two boys, drowned on Wednesday while trying to reach the Greek island of Kos. The image of one of the boys, whose body was found face down in the sand, spread across the Internet, and some human rights officials hope the response will compel European leaders to act.
Dinah Spritzer contributed reporting from Prague.