回复:几个字打错了。想问的是为什么此时民主党提出此案? 目的为何? 反扑计划的短期中期长期到底

来源: 2014-04-16 11:04:17 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

OK, here's what I learned (sorry, company laptop doesn't have teh chinese input app)

- Goal:  Government has the responsibility to redistribute resources and minimize polarity between races or classes (rich and the poor) in order to maintain social orders.  It hopes that the public services are to servce the public in a relatively representative ratio of races in its population.  In this case, Latino has 38% in CA.

- Timing:  Democrats was hoping that this proposal will help energize their voting base during the mid-term election, as typically the voter's turn out is bleak until the big election which usually happens every 4 years.  With more of their voter base, it will give them more votes for the other democratic initiatives.

- Defense Strategy:  Back then, SCA5 was still on its way to the State ASsembly for voting.  Of course now, the defense strategy will have to be modified.

You are right, the opinion might not be one-sided, but the poor student will sure win more sympathy vote.