
来源: 2012-04-22 14:29:51 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


右翼民族阵线的Le Pen获得20%的票数,名列第三。



Partial results from the beginning of the count showed Hollande – a former Socialist party leader, rural MP and self-styled Mr Normal – with a clear lead at more than 28%, compared with Sarkozy on about 26%. Hollande's is one of the left's best ever results and will raise momentum for next month's final run-off. The Socialist party is seeking to return to the presidency for the first time since François Mitterrand's re-election in 1988.

A key victory of the night was for the Front National's Le Pen, who came third with almost 20% of the vote, easily beating her father Jean-Marie's record success in 2002, and placing herself firmly at the heart of rightwing politics in France.