
来源: donzhu 2011-07-29 17:46:04 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3404 bytes)
回答: 宋鲁郑:高铁悲剧的冷思考nWAY2011-07-29 12:07:02

张丹红仅仅客观报道中国?you must be kidding!

尽管中国的表现远好于挪威. you must be kidding again!

尽管高铁事故比挪威恐怖袭击晚一天发生,但公布名单的时间却比挪威政府早一天  The questions is that how truthful is it, is it true that only 35 (or 39) people died?  When 挪威政府 announced their list, people believe it. When the Chinese governmnent announced it, people tend to believe it is overly underestimated, therefore a cover up. They were cutting up the compartment when they announced 35 had died, after more people died in the hospital, 6 body fell out the dropping compartment, the number only rose to 39.

在所有的创纪录实验中,刘志军始终在驾驶室里指挥。I am sure that some officer has riden on the railway where the accident happened. This route has been in use for over two years. sitting in the compartment once does not guarantee the safety for the next twenty years. Stop praising the corrupted official.

印度这个民主国家,漠视民众生命权宜、草菅人命到何种程度。其经济落后到何种程度,民众、媒体和知识群体也仿佛都完全丧失了批判、和监督能力。Are you really trying to say China is much better than India?  At least they news media is free to publish what is happening. There is command from the central government to stop the freedom of the press.

中国建国六十多年全部发生的铁路事故为36起!where did you get this data, I wonder how you define 铁路事故. I think the number during the cultural revolution alone will surpass 36.

西方整体来讲效率远远低于今天的中国 Nazi was very efficient in doing many things as well.

洪晃及众多网民的指责和人身攻击,不由令人想起文革。文革最大的特点是消灭了人的沉默权。Except 倪萍、李双江、刘兰芳 are supposed to be 共和国脊梁. As 共和国脊梁, especially after they they had gone to collect the award, they lost the right to be silent. If 倪萍 did not attend and refuse the award, she can be as silent as she wants!


是嵴梁,山那边就不是她了,此奖表示某行业先进人物的意思 -惨绿- 给 惨绿 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2011 postreply 18:26:20

关于张丹红你能不能给出点事实? 他做了什么错事? -打工的- 给 打工的 发送悄悄话 (31 bytes) () 07/30/2011 postreply 10:42:34



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