You missed the point. It is precisly because of

来源: 2010-04-27 18:46:46 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Obama's domestic policy that caused milions of people lose jobs.

Obama and his gang actually do not care about people getting jobs and economy. Only thing they care about is to get control of as much as they can. Automible, healcare, banking/financial and more.

How can expansion of federal government create jobs? in what way?

They want to "transform" this country? Get it?

All polls show that american public trust GOP more than Democrats in economy.

The past healthcare legislation was one good example of how Democrats represent people. They actually went right against them!

They are radical ideologues! They hate very best this country represents.

They got a bunch of stupid people around them and try to live off other part of population, the successful part, proundly. They are creating permanent dependent sector of American society as their power base so that they can live in Washington DC forever.