A thief may rob you, but a liar will hang you.

来源: bustout 2024-05-22 09:53:10 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2590 bytes)

A thief may rob you, but a liar will hang you. Michael Cohen is both.

Just when you thought the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office couldn’t suck any more integrity from our criminal justice system in bringing 34 woefully empty charges against a former – and likely future – president, it managed.

The prosecution's “star” witness, Michael Cohen, is many unsavory things, including a liar, an ex-con and unhinged, anti-Trump merch-peddling huckster. But wait, there’s more!

Turns out Cohen is also a crook, having admitted on this stand Monday that he skimmed roughly $60,000 of the Trump Organization’s money because he was ticked off that his annual bonus had been a little light.

The only thing worse than Cohen being forced to admit under oath that he stole from the very defendant he is desperate to help convict, is the prosecution’s decision to build its entire case around this clown.

The oath to which a witness swears is not, “I promise to tell the truth…mostly.” The measure of a witness’ credibility, therefore, is not whether they tell a white lie versus a big lie. Witnesses are required to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Yet, the prosecution’s pivotal witness is not capable. And the prosecution knew it all along.

Cohen’s testimony is not merely bitter-tasting. It is poison. Whether on or off the stand, exacting the truth from Cohen is akin to playing a perpetual game of “Three Card Monty” with one glaring omission – the truth is nowhere to be found.

Make no mistake, this case has never been about a mere proof problem, as that would insultingly imply that Trump should win on a mere technicality. This case was always about prosecutorial abuse masquerading as a case. Smoke and mirrors replacing necessary elements of a crime. Unconstitutional gag orders allowing ill-motivated, money-hungry players for the prosecution to spout off unfettered. And a trial timed to give an assist to a sitting president who’s far too feeble to hold his own – or to run this country.


Injustice for All: The Reliance on Cohen’s Testimony Reveals a Desperate Prosecution



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