Biden’s Jekyll-and-Hyde approach to Israel is a disaster in

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Barack Obama’s prescient warning about Joe Biden is so well-known it’s practically a cliche.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up,” the former president said of his vice president.

The remark, made as Biden closed in on the Democrats’ 2020 nomination, has served as a handy explanation for his otherwise inexplicable habit of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory.

The deadly, chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and Biden’s decision to throw open the southern border without a plan for handling the millions of illegal crossers are just two of the many head-scratching decisions that have turned his tenure into a synonym for failure.

A common thread is that his debacles were unforced errors.

Doing nothing would have produced far better outcomes than the actions he took.


Biden’s Jekyll-and-Hyde approach to Israel is a disaster in the making



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