DEI is still alive and well

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DEI is still alive and well, America. Don't think the battle is over after Harvard's news



The elite DEI ecosystem created what became a firestorm at Harvard. It won't disapper without a struggle

As journalist Christopher Rufo wrote, Gay built a "DEI empire" at Harvard even before becoming the president of the school. She oversaw the school’s racially discriminatory admissions program. She created a task force for renaming buildings and carrying out the cultural revolution in the wake of the "racial reckoning" of 2020.


She was there to ensure that the entire bureaucratic apparatus of the school was firmly committed to promoting DEI to the exclusion of almost anything else.

Despite the Supreme Court’s invalidation of the school’s racist admissions process, that bureaucracy is still in place, still carrying out Gay’s initiatives whether she is running them or not.

Don’t forget, it’s DEI ideology that created the storm of criticism to begin with. It’s an ideology that ultimately boils the world down into a collective struggle between oppressors and oppressed, where social justice means ultimately overturning Western notions of individual justice, responsibility, and right and wrong.



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